OK, So its that time of the Course again... yes...that time! Assessment... if ego's not a dirty word then assesment certainly should be!! Anyways... enough prattling.. although I laugh because only a small amount of people will actually get my previous joke... and the other will think I was high or something when I wrote this... I'm NOT! Just trying to not think of that A word....
ANYWAYS>... So the assesment prep... well I been working my butt off the last few days to make sure my iWeb page is reasonably ok looking and not too shite on content!! See for yourself HERE!! I would appreciate people's thought and feedback on it, so if you have something to say please do so... but please try to make it constructive!!
I have also uploaded some images on my FLICKR account. I Added some more of my fave photos from the road trip Yesterday (well Friday- as I have just realised it's technically Sunday!), and have just also added some of my artwork pieces for my VPA101 course.
My Delicious account has actually been quite handy, fancy that? Actually learning about something that I WILL use in the future (not like algebra at school!)I have found it quite damn good that I can have my favourite sites wherever I go! I plan on adding all my classmate's athene accounts to this, as I think it will be good to do so!
I have also had a play around with the design of my site, I felt that the colours needed to be changed, and the image is awesome... a sunset pic taken in Darwin! Love the clouds.. what do you think??
Ok enough crazy talk for 2am on a Sunday... until tomorrow... or well... later today even?
......Over and Out....
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